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In SleakOps, an Workload is simply a user-defined workload that runs within the cluster. Depending on how and when you need your workload to run, you can choose from five different types:

Web ServiceAn always-on service that handles HTTP requests (e.g., hosting websites, APIs).
WorkerA background process for internal tasks (e.g., message queues, data processing).
CronjobA scheduled job that runs periodically (e.g., daily at 3 a.m.).
JobA one-time task, ideal for ad-hoc or maintenance operations.
HookA task triggered by deployment events (e.g., run database migrations or collect statistics).

Which workload type is right for me?

  • Web Service: Choose this if you need your application or service to be available 24/7 to respond to HTTP requests.
  • Worker: Use this for background processing tasks, such as message queues or data pipelines, with no direct HTTP interaction.
  • CronJob: Ideal for recurring maintenance or reporting tasks scheduled at specific times.
  • Job: Suitable for one-time or on-demand tasks (e.g., manual database migrations).
  • Hook: Perfect if you want to automate certain actions (like database migrations or analytics) on every deployment.