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Getting Started with Provider

How Do I Begin?

The first time you log into Sleakops after creating your user, you are met with this screen, where the first thing to note is that you need to have a Management account in which we will deploy the necessary roles via Cloud Formation to interact with your application. If you want to know how this process works, you can visit the following link to our documentation Provider Creation

Provider first step

Once the Cloud Formation process is completed, you can proceed with the form, where the following information will be requested:

  • Name: Identification field, it is recommended to use a name that is representative of the selected cloud provider (for now, we only support AWS).
  • AWS Account ID: Here you must enter your AWS Root Account and take the 12-digit number that represents the Account ID. A small snippet is provided next to the field that, once inside the account, allows you to find the Account ID. If the snippet does not work, you can access your Root account's billing and get the ID AWS Billing .
  • SleakopsIntegrationRole External ID: This field is automatically completed with the auto-generated External ID from the previous step. Editing of the field is allowed in case an Integration Role already exists. If this is the case, the External ID used in the previous role must be replicated; otherwise, it is recommended to delete the Integration Role and restart its creation with Cloud Formation. To verify the presence of an Integration Role, you can use this link AWS Cloud Formation Console
  • Region: This field represents the AWS region to use. If you want to know more about the regions, you can visit this documentation AWS Regions
  • Domain: Here you must provide the domain you own in which the different environments will be deployed.
  • Handle Domain with Sleakops: If you want us to take care of requesting the certificates for your domain's delegations, check this box.
  • Email: If you want to use an alternate email to register your SleakOps accounts, please fill in this field; otherwise, you can leave it blank, and we will use the same email from the previously provided account.
Provider second step

If you want to know more about DNS Delegation you can visit this Link