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AWS S3 Bucket

With Sleakops, you can effortlessly integrate Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) into your application. This highly durable and secure object storage service provides a scalable solution for storing and retrieving any amount of data, enabling you to build powerful applications with ease.

You can read more about those benefits in AWS S3 docs .

How to create a backup for an s3 bucket


For this to work you should have admin access to the account where the bucket is.



  • AWS CLI installed on your local machine. For instructions on how to install it, see the official docs
  • Access and secret keys for your IAM user. For instructions on how to get them, see the official docs
  • Access and secret keys in the default profile for AWS CLI. If you have them with another name append --profile PROFILE_NAME to the assume-role command
  • The account id and bucket name. Both are available through Sleakops console

To create an s3 backup run the following commands:

aws sts assume-role --role-arn arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT_ID:role/SleakopsAdminRole
aws s3 sync s3://BUCKET_NAME /path/to/local/directory