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Nightly Cluster Shutdown

Sleakops offers a helpful feature that lets you schedule a nightly shutdown for your EKS cluster. This brings benefits like cost savings and better resource use. During the shutdown, the cluster scales down all nodes, helping you save money.

How It Works

This feature is made by running a lambda function and a Kubernetes cronjob. Sleakops uses Kubernetes scheduling to gracefully scale down the cluster's deployment, stateful sets, and other resources at the set shutdown time. This ensures that everything finishes up before shutting down.


You can pick the shutdown schedule that works for you. Whether it's during quieter times or when resources aren't needed, you can set the shutdown time to match your needs. A common practice is to leave a development cluster up only during working hours.

When it's time to start up again, Sleakops gets those paused parts running, letting your applications continue without a hitch.

By using the nightly cluster shutdown, you can save money and make better use of your cloud resources.